Applied-Excel® and Database Management Software Solutions in Germany
ECS has within just a few months of operating in German already developed 3 Database Management Software Solutions in Germany which are Surgical Operations Database Management Software, First Aid Training Database Management Software and Employee Time sheet Management Software.
Surgical Operations Database Management System
The Surgical Operations Database Management Software developed by ECS is a system which has been developed to automate the process of preparing monthly reports and invoices relating to surgical operations by the click of a button.
By the nature of their work most surgical operation centers record data about their patients including the date of birth of the patient, diagnosis and procedure used, type of anaesthesia applied, the surgeon who operated, time spent etc.
From the data captured for several operations by various surgeons the surgical operation center produces reports and invoices for each surgeon on a monthly basis. Carrying out this task is very tedious and time consuming.
This software solution has been described as innovative and new on the German market. Dr. med. M. Penner of First OP Ambulante Operationen, Berlin has been using this Surgical Operations Database Management System since June 2016 and has given a written testimony about the efficiency and benefits of this software.
A Work time Planning Tool (Arbeitszeit Planner) has also be developed which calculates hours worked and is very easy to use without any training. Click for a free version.